The AECC Talent Programme

Postdoctoral fellowships to conduct cancer research in Spain

These mobility postdoctoral fellowships, co-financed by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND programme of the European Commission, offer a unique opportunity for talented cancer researchers worldwide to carry out their projects in one of the selected host cancer research centres in Spain.

The AECC Talent Programme

Postdoctoral fellowships to conduct cancer research in Spain

These mobility postdoctoral fellowships, co-financed by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND programme of the European Commission, offer a unique opportunity for talented cancer researchers worldwide to carry out their projects in one of the selected host cancer research centres in Spain.

A new era in cancer research

Excellent working conditions and top research centres

Fellows will have a wide choice of entities and multidisciplinary teams in which to carry out the project of their interest. The host organisations are endorsed by the Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer and report a high number of international collaborations and participation in European and international projects. With their projects, AECC Talent fellows will contribute to improving prevention, early diagnosis, disease monitoring and treatment of cancer patients, which are key intervention areas of the Horizon Europe Cancer Mission

  • Living allowance: 4,500€/person-month that will cover salary and Spanish social security costs. arising from the employment of the beneficiary, including the costs of severance pay on termination of the contract.
  • Mobility allowance: 600€/person-month to cover private mobility-related costs (ie. travel and accommodation costs).
  • Family allowance: 600€/person-month for those fellows with family obligations during the fellowship duration, i.e.. persons linked to him/her by (i)marriage, or (ii)a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognised by the legislation of the country where the relationship was formalized, or (iii) dependent children who are being maintained by the researcher. Family assistance will be determined on the fellowship start date and it will be reviewed annually.
  • Research, training and networking costs: 1,500€/person-month that will be managed by host organisations to fund cost related to the fellows’ project (reagents, lab material) and activities foreseen in the Career Development Plan that contribute directly to the researchers’ career development (training, workshops, conferences, secondments, publication costs, IP protection costs etc).

*Please note that the figures listed above are the maximum total fellowship amount including social security contributions and any other payments made by the employer. The remaining gross annual salary will depend on the candidate’s civil status, exact figures may change over time and slightly differ in the different research centres and provinces. In any case, the minimum annual gross salary to be offered to the fellow by the host institution must be €44,000€. 

  • 3-year employment contract
  • Spanish social security
  • Excellent working conditions
  • Top cancer Research institutions
  • International networking oportunities
  • Comprehensive training and secondment plan

A comprehensive professional development

Secondments and trainings to boost a new generation of cancer researchers

In addition to enjoying an excellent research environment AECC Talent fellows will carry out international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary secondments, that may range from one month to one year, through which they will boost their networking opportunities and expand their interdisciplinarity.

Moreover, AECC Talent will provide a comprehensive training programme to its fellows with yearly sessions that will range from specific courses and seminars on research skills to non-research oriented transferable skills, innovation and leadership courses provided by experts in the corresponding fields.

Hosting institutions

Secondments and training

The Scientific Foundation